During the project RECREATE, we developed four e-learning modules for the creative and cultural sectors, emphasising entrepreneurial skills. You can find all modules in the section Courses on our portal.
The E-learning methodology used for the development of the e-learning programmes is available here:
Statistical analysis or RECREATE in numbers
Participants by gender (n=303) Male 21,1%, Female 78,5% and Non-binary 0,3%

Enrolled students by country of residence (n=303): Croatia 42,9%, Spain 42,2% and Other countries 14,9% (other countries are Peru, Argentina, Chile, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia – Croatian and Spanish language countries)

Participants by age (n=297): <18=0,7%, 19-30=39,4%, 31-54=54,2%m 55-65=5,1% and 65+=0,7%)
N here is different because some of participants inserted as year of birth 2022. 🙂

Finished modules (in relative percentage): Financial literacy 12,7%; How to design a business plan 34,8%, Sources of funding 10,8% and Digital marketing 41,8%