Ponemos la formación en primer lugar mientras que ayudamos al crecimiento de tu negocio cultural

Echa un vistazo rápido a los profesores/as

Juan Salvador Cruz Gutiérrez

Non formal education in the heart, and business plans in the brain. Deeply in love with Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps. Wanting to learn more about artistic sector, has recently started to learn how to play drums and the ukulele. With a technical background, has a great combination of skills, knowledge and attitudes for a project like RECREATE. This is Juan Cruz, trainer, project developer, and our expert in business plan for this project.

Cristina Imaz Chacón

Tireless globetrotter and impulsive dreamer, Cris Imaz tries to make the adverse into verse by putting all her experiences to music. This young singer-songwriter began composing at a very young age, exploring everyday reflections with very varied harmonies. She has three songs published and is releasing her first EP, "Empezar a vivir". Moreover, she is currently working as a freelance facilitating trainings for ESC volunteers as well as developing European projects.

Branimir Radaković​

Branimir Radaković

Branimir is a crowdfunding expert active in the Brodoto association committed to helping organizations and companies generate social and ecologic impact to make the world a better place.

Snježana Kupres

Snježana Kupres

Experienced Consultant and Trainer with a demonstrated history of working in the services industry. Skilled in Negotiation, Sales, Pricing Strategy, Business Communication and Personal Development fields.

Dina vasic

Dina Vasić, pHD

Dina is a full-time Senior Lecturer in the Finance and Accounting Department, Zagreb School of Economics and Management. She teaches and coordinates undergraduate program level core courses, Corporate Finance and Personal Finance.

Kristina Androlić

Kristina Androlić

Kristina has a Master's degree in Economics and, in addition to consulting for companies on EU funds, regularly conducts education in the areas of preparation and implementation of EU funds, business planning, business optimization and crisis management.

Antonino Versace

Antonino Versace, Director of European Projects of Building Bridges Association. Specialist consultant in the Erasmus+ Program and the European Solidarity Corps with more than 15 years of experience in the sector and more than 50 approved European projects.

¿Qué más puede hacer Recreate para ti?

Ya confían en este proyecto más de 50 emprendedores/as y negocios líderes conocidos

“Contratar servicios de formación avanzada es un proceso largo que necesita siempre de recursos, siempre muy escasos. Recreate es una plataforma de formación increíble que nos ha ayudado desde el primer momento. ¡Y gratis!”.


Antonino Versace - Director de Asociación Building Bridges

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